Dream Power
Part One - Walking in the land of dreams
- The history of dream
- Dreams in art and literature
- Dreams and healing
- Dreams in African mythology
- The Celtic fairyland
- The Aboriginal Dreamtime
- The Native North American dreamland
- The process of sleep and dreaming
- Why we dream
- How dreams can help us
- Keeping a dream diary
- Bad dreams and how to deal with them
- Changing dreams
- Dealing with nightmares
- Conquering fear and defying demons
Part Two - Interpreting dreams
- How to analyze and understand your dreams
- Unlocking the language of dreams
- Colors and their meanings
- Animals in dreams
- The symbolic meanings of animals
- Birds and their symbolism
- The water dwellers
- The symbology of insects
- Mythical creatures and their meanings
- The power and teaching of trees
- Plants in dreams
- Food in dreams
- Cycles and seasons
- Prophetic dreams
- Complex dreams and abstract symbols
- Distortions of reality in dreams
- There are no rules
Part Three - Living in your dreams
- Bringing dreamtime into reality
- Finding your dream
- Finding out what you really want to do
- Fixing your dream
- Claiming your dream
- Keeping faith with your dream
- Changing perspective
- Trials and tribulations
- Finding the positive in everything
- Keeping the dream
- Advanced learning
- Exploring the dark side
- Dreams and programming
- Learning total acceptance
- Different perspectives
- Self-sabotage
- Advanced dreaming
- Dreaming for others
- Expanding your dream
- The world dream
- Final word
- Further reading
- Indes
- Acknowledgments