The Encyclopedia of Energy Healing
- Introduction
Part 1 Energy Healing
Chapter 1 - Understanding Energy
- Western and Eastern concepts of health
- Concepts of energy in healing
- Using intuition
- Experiencing energy
- Sensing energy
- The five spiritual aspects
- Modern science meets ancient wisdom
- Yin and yang
- The five elements
Chapter 2 - Body Energetics
- Subtle body energies
- Chakras
- Chinese view of body energy
- The meridians
Chapter 3 - Precious Energy
- Modern living
- Healthy and unhealthy energy
- Shen, chi and jing
- Using energy healing to restore balance
- Destiny
- Guidelines fro treating general illness
- A holistic approach to cancer
Part 1 Healing Energies
Food and Water
- Macrobiotics and Oriental nutrition
- Common-sense nutrition
- Water
- Hydrotherapy
- Flotation therapy
Energy-building exercises
- How to build energy
- Tai Chi
- Chi Kung
- Aikido
- Yoga
Healing touch
- Craniosacral therapy
- Reiki
- Kinesiology
- Shiatsu
- Shen tao
- Metamorphic technique
- Energy massage
- Polarity therapy
Traditional Chinese medicine
- Acupuncture
- Acupressure
- Chinese herbalism
Ayurvedic medicine
Mind energy
- The power of the mind
- Visualization
- Meditation
- Hypnosis
- Neurolinguistic programming
Esoteric healing
- Spiritual healing
- Remote healing
- Shamanic healing
Crystals and gems
- The healing properties of crystals
- Gem and crystal elixirs
- Treating complaints with gem and crystal elixirs
Flowers and plants
- The flower essences of Edward Bach
- Flower essences
- Traditional herbalism
- Aromatherapy
Colour, sound and light
- Colour healing
- Sound healing
- Light therapy
Final word
Further information